Seal Bilanz / Le Temps: top law firm 2020 (German only)

lic. iur. Michael Häfliger

[email protected] | vCard

Fachanwalt SAV Familienrecht, gewählter amtlicher Verteidiger
Ihr Spezialist für Trennung/Scheidung und Strafrecht


  • CAS Finance HSLU
  • Partner with Häfliger Haag Häfliger AG Lawyers and Notaries
  • Elected Official Defender of the Canton of Lucerne
  • Certified Specialist SBA Family Law
  • CAS Family Law Universities of Zürich and Freiburg i.Ue
  • Notary of the Canton of Lucerne
  • Bar member of the Canton of Lucerne
  • Licentiate at the University of Basel
  • International studies at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
  • International exchange and elementary graduation from Little Rock, AR, USA


  • Family and Divorce Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Notary Public
  • Estate planning and Inheritance Law


  • German
  • English